Designérská soutěž Rugvista!


Zen podle Lina Osman

Spojené království

Spojené království

My designs are part of a project I was working on I named ZEN. It's a collection about the post pandemic consumer, the new habits that they have created and therapy. I did a-lot of research on new habits that have been picked up as well as how people have taken their mental health into their own hands and decided to create a healthier lifestyle for themselves. it could be by adding plants to the home, eating healthier, gardening, anything to reduce the stress of being in lockdown or quarantine. These rug designs are based on Japanese sand raking, with perfectly imperfect lines to represent the grainy sand, I deconstructed the patterns and created an abstract from rug designs.
My designs are part of a project I was working on I named ZEN. It's a collection about the post pandemic consumer, the new habits that they have created and therapy. I did a-lot of research on new habits that have been picked up as well as how people have taken their mental health into their own hands and decided to create a healthier lifestyle for themselves. it could be by adding plants to the home, eating healthier, gardening, anything to reduce the stress of being in lockdown or quarantine. These rug designs are based on Japanese sand raking, with perfectly imperfect lines to represent the grainy sand, I deconstructed the patterns and created an abstract from rug designs.

Informace Lina Osman

My Name is Lina Osman and I am a textiles design BA graduate and currently completing my Master's degree in textile design also. I would describe myself as an abstract designer, I enjoy the minimal things as well as subtlety, and taking an image and deconstructing it to become an abstract form of art.
My Name is Lina Osman and I am a textiles design BA graduate and currently completing my Master's degree in textile design also. I would describe myself as an abstract designer, I enjoy the minimal things as well as subtlety, and taking an image and deconstructing it to become an abstract form of art.
4.9 z 5
473 zákazníků, kteří napsali názor na Trustpilot
Mariana B.
odporúčam nákup
spoľahlivá stránka, veľký výber kvalitných a originálnych kobercov, dobrá komunikácia, nakupovala som opakovane v minulosti, teraz aktuálne pri vrátení koberca nebol žiaden problém, jednoduché vrátenie tovaru a bezproblémové vrátenie peňazí
Vera Krasova
Mohu jen vřele doporučit
Mohu jen vřele doporučit. Rychlé dodání, kvalitní výrobek.
Petr M.
Rychlé a důvěryhodné jednání
Rychlé dodání vybraného koberce bylo umocněno pozitivním zjištěním, že dostáváte zboží za předem uskutečněnou platbu do zahraničí. To provádíte vždy s jistou dávkou nejistoty a rizika, protože nikdy nevíte, s kým jednáte na druhé straně. Svým hodnocením tedy snad přispěji k budování důvěryhodnosti Vašeho e-shopu.
Martin Müller
Obchod si získal zcela moji důvěru
Obchod si získal zcela moji důvěru, zboží bylo dodáno přesně dle objednávky a v neuvěřitelném termínu, tedy v úterý večer objednáno a v pátek dopoledne byl již koberec v obývacím pokoji! Díky.
Marie C.
Koberec jsem objednala v neděli a ve…
Koberec jsem objednala v neděli a ve středu dopoledne byl doručen. Vypadá ještě lépe, než na obrázcích.

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