

异语 von 郭峰乔



We are willing to believe in pure things, such as color and abstract graphics. Color has temperature and abstract graphics are carefree. "Strange language" series draws inspiration from tree rings and rock texture, hoping to create a dynamic and rich texture, integrate with uncertain abstract forms, and describe a story that does not need a complete beginning and end.
我们愿意相信纯粹的事物,譬如色彩与抽象图形,色彩是有温度的,抽象图形是无忧无虑的。"异语" 系列从树木年轮、岩石肌理中汲取灵感,希望创造动感丰富的肌理感,与具有不确定性的抽象形态融合,描绘一段不需要完整开端与结尾的故事。

Über 郭峰乔

I come from China Academy of fine arts. I studied Interior Textile Design in China Academy of fine arts from 2016 to 2020. Now I am a master's student, and my research direction is pattern culture and technology.

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